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Monday, May 30, 2011

Adios Oprah

Location: TV Land

It's been 25 years since Oprah Winfrey crashed on to the television talk show scene making history with her emotive and candid topics in the mid 80's. In two decades, Oprah has become an archetypal television figure and source of profound inspiration and adoration with a fan base that spans millions! Last week, Oprah said farewell to her beloved audience leaving viewers with an emptiness as they wondered what they will do at 4:00pm daily from then on. When asked if ending the show was bitter-sweet, the big O commented that, "there is only sweet" in ending the show. When you are Oprah, you don't seem to have many regrets. Oprah's final episode was done in classic Oprah fashion. Of course, Oprah was the main focus of the show but the queen of TV graciously thanked her fans and guests for allowing her to share her platforms and success. Oprah also left the audience with positive affirmations like, “You are responsible for yourself, for your life” and "a calling lights you up and lets you know that you are exactly where you are supposed to in your own can illuminate the world". I actually used the last quote as my Facebook status because I truly believe that true passion ignites you. It is indisputable, that Oprah will be tremendously missed and whether you hate or love her, her indelible influence will remain long after the end of her show and career. Here are some interesting facts I found on the big O:

> At 17, Oprah won the Ms. Black Tennessee Beauty Pageant (Love you Oprah but never thought of you as a beaut)

> Oprah gave birth to a child at 14 who died shortly after in infancy.

> Yale University claims that a study indicates that Oprah's shows on gay issues in the 80's, broke 20th century taboos and allowed the LGBT community to enter mainstream.

> Oprah claimed to have done crack during the 80's with a man she was romantically involved with stating that she was more addicted to the man than the drug!

Oprah's voyage to success proves that adversity doesn't have to dictate whether or not we achieve success. We will miss you Oprah but we know if you have anything to do with it, this isn't the end.


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